toptennis training centre

Tennis TRAINING programmes and prices

During tennis training, we place great emphasis on individual and intensive work with the particular player, and therefore the contents of programmes on offer are directed towards the individual coaching of a particular player with a single coach. The new JUNIOR tennis training programme is an ideal choice for players up to sixteen years of age. The PROFI tennis training programme provides training identical to the training programmes of world-class players, and is ideal for older and physically mature players. A guaranteed aspect with both tennis training programmes is daily physiotherapy.

We enforce our FAIR PRICE on all tennis training programmes, whereby the final price a player pays is charged according to the real amount and type of lessons actually played.



tennis training         T-shirt for free

TOPTENNIS ACADEMY      T-SHIRT free to everyone booking a programme.

10% discount

Book the PROFI or JUNIOR programme for two weeks in September and you’ll receive a 10% discount. This special offer is valid till the end of July.

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