toptennis training centre

Analysis and consultation 

Upon entering the Academy, every player is put through an initial analysis, which reveals a player’s strengths and weaknesses and outlines the procedures and methods of his/her subsequent training. You might also have a stress test, which precisely defines your athletic condition and sets out an optimal fitness programme (optimal extent of heart rate during training). During a player’s initial consultation, long term and short-term targets are established as a basis on which to work. These objectives and procedures are discussed in detail at regular weekly meetings with the trainer. On the Weekly Players’ Sheets are recorded the contents of individual training exercises, and whether or not plans have been adhered to, and the effectiveness of individual training procedures are checked during feedback sessions.

At the end of every stay, the player will receive back his/her initial analysis to make a comparison. Naturally, recommendations will also be given for future training procedures so that progress can be maintained in preparations, and so that all tennis skills might be successfully mastered.

If the player is interested, a more detailed video analysis is made, which records more precisely the technique for individual strokes. Professional commentary helps better identify errors and shows the best way to eliminate them.  


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